Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Credible sources of information for threats, vulnerabilities, updates, and security news

We are living in the age of technology and we are inheriting many results from high technologies that help various aspects of our lives.  For example, in communication, we can talk and see the face of people who live halfway around the earth.  We can send a message that can reach everywhere on the globe by just one click.  For education, we can take online classes now that fit perfectly the time and schedule for the students who are working full-time.  For e-commerce, it saves us time when we shop online.  Amazon is one of the best examples for the most successful e-commerce.  Technology is good, but many people take advantage of it and use it unlawfully.  That’s why we face different security threats every day.  Following are credible sources of information for threats, vulnerabilities, updates, and security news that organizations and home owners can use for their protection and prevention.

1.      SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) - 
SANS is not only providing computer security training and certification, but it is also providing the most current information for threats, vulnerabilities, updates, and security.  Under the Resource menu, it provides newsletters, blogs, critical security controls, and critical vulnerabilities.
2.      MIT Technology Review - 
MIT Technology Review provides different journals, analyses, reviews, essays, and reports about the current important new technologies.  It also provides cyber threats and vulnerabilities for both businesses and non-businesses to be aware of.  For example, on Jan 2, 2018, MIT Technology Review had an article “Six Cyber Threats to Really Worry About in 2018” written by Martin Giles.  He mentioned six critical cyber threats for the current year, which were data breach, ransomware in the cloud, the weaponization of AI, cyber-physical attacks, mining cryptocurrencies, and hacking elections.
3.      Symantec Security Center - 
The Threatpost of Symantec Security Center is a publication that provides daily articles, podcasts, and videos on all security. It provides reports on a new vulnerability or threat that may be affecting organizations at large.  The publication is a great daily resource for both organizations and people to learn and understand the current security threats and vulnerabilities.
4.      Kaspersky Lab –
Kaspersky Labs’ Threatpost is a publication that provides daily articles, podcasts, and videos on all things security.  It focuses on the most current threats and attacks.  It is one of the trusted and useful sources for all organizations and employees to read and be aware of the threats and not be exposed to them.
5.      McAfee
McAfee is one of the most well-known antivirus software.  Besides the best antivirus software that McAfee provides, it also provides the current security reports, security trainings, security awareness, security controls, and all the current threats and vulnerabilities.  Under the Threat Awareness main menu, there is a Resources submenu that provides so many articles about current threats, vulnerabilities, ransomware, and threat reports that are beneficial for both businesses and home.
6.      The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) -
The NCCIC is the Nation’s flagship cyber defense, incident response, and operational integration center.  It provides the most current cybersecurity threats that all businesses or homes could be aware of.  For example, on its homepage, it lists the current security breach of Marriott International Starwood guest reservation database.  Another critical security that NCCIC mentioned was the SamSam Ransomware.  Its targets were multiple industries, including some within critical infrastructure in the US.  The main attacks of SamSam were gaining access to victims’ networks then escalating privileges for administrator rights, dropping malware onto the server, and running an executable file, all without victims’ actions or authorizations. 
7.      Paul’s Security Weekly (
“Paul’s Security Weekly is an award-winning podcast, webcast, and security publication, publishing a number of weekly shows focused on recent security events, enterprise security, and interviews with professionals in the field” (SecurityScorecard, 2017).  Paul’s Security Weekly provides insight and current security news that might not be covered by other security organizations.
8.      The Security Ledger (
The Security Ledger is an independent news provider that publishes current news on security on the Internet of Thing and the external threats from malware to cyber-terrorism.  For the last two decades or so, I could see that the world is facing different threats, which were the cyber-terrorism.  This threat has increase due to the fact that there are more and more countries
Normally, all the credible sources provide accurate information about the threats and vulnerabilities.  However, if they found to be provided invalid or conflict information, I would double check the information with other sources, professors, or friends.  I think I would also write an email to the authors or the credible sources and ask them to verify the information that they posted.  Communication, as I have mentioned earlier has been integrated into the fast and easy platform for the human.  To reach out a business or a person, it is very easy now.  To exchange the idea or information, it is just a click.
McAfee.  (2018).  Threat Landscape Dashboard.  Retrieved from
SecurityScorecard.  (2017, May 10).  Top 10 Information Security Websites You Have to Follow.  Retrieved from
SANS.  (2018).  Information Security Resources.  Retrieved from

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